About us

Educational team
Educational projects
Educational partners
8 annual events with parents

Philosophy and Values

Our philosophy

The family from school

We offer all students a solid foundation for their academic, social, emotional, cultural and physical development in an environment adapted to their needs, based on a unique curriculum that combines the ideas of traditional Romanian pedagogy with the essential principles of British education. Through various activities, structured play and cooperative teaching, we develop in our students investigative skills, critical thinking, problem solving and creativity. Our team of caring and professional teachers inspire children with a love of learning and the confidence needed to discover the world.

Our core values

Children who look to the future

We work together to stimulate passion, curiosity, initiative, independence and the joy of learning.

Empowering children to reach their full potential.

  1. We respect each other
  2. We work as a team
  3. We love our school
  4. We live healthy, we love nature, we take care of the environment
  5. We are learning today for the jobs of the future
  6. We pursue excellence in everything we do

The academic approach

Mind, emotion and senses

Cooperation, exploration and experimentation

Pick Me Academy offers, in addition to a unique academic approach, which combines the ideas of traditional Romanian pedagogy with the essential principles of British education, an integrative approach that combines high-quality education with interactive activities, different experiences, strong feelings and memories for a lifetime. Our philosophy addresses the mind, emotions and senses, promoting learning through cooperation, exploration and experimentation.

Our children are brave, take calculated risks and understand that the road to success is based on a continuous process of learning and accumulation. They are prepared for a world that demands flexibility and adaptability from them.

Our philosophy creates the framework for each child to feel appreciated, integrated and accepted, these elements turning Pick Me Academy into his second home.

Academic fields

  • Ensuring high standards in education and management
  • Implementing a balanced and tailored curriculum by providing a diverse range of learning opportunities for our children, encouraging them to achieve their goals and take pride in their success
  • Encouraging curiosity and creativity, supporting students to become independent thinkers
  • Supporting staff, ensuring continuous professional development
  • Modern methods of transforming theory into practice, creating strong and lasting cognitive anchors
  • Creating strong links between parents and the school
  • Open communication between student and teacher
  • Involvement of children in activities that develop their communication and interaction skills both among themselves and with teachers and parents
  • Promoting sustainability and respect for society and the environment
  • Personal development program adapted to each age level
  • Identifying the individual needs of each child, communicating them to the parents and defining together with them the steps to follow
  • Respecting the emotional, intellectual, physical, social and spiritual needs of our children
  • Learning adaptation strategies and emotional regulation techniques
  • Developing students’ understanding and respect for different cultures and beliefs
  • Thematic days that explore and celebrate the uniqueness of various cultures
  • Projects that encourage children to discover the customs of certain geographical areas and cultures from the present or past
  • Providing a warm, welcoming, stimulating and safe environment for all members of the school community.
  • Ensuring the health and well-being of our children, encouraging them to adopt a healthy lifestyle
  • Excursions, camps and extracurricular activities through which children develop or strengthen their motor skills
  • Spending as much time as possible outdoors, including by doing classes in the yard

Our history

From kindergarten to high school

Pick Me Academy was established in 2014 as a result of the wishes of the founders to create a kindergarten that provides an educational space that offers the feeling of belonging to a family. At the end of 2014 we were happy to educate 30 children, we grew year by year and in 2016 we opened a second kindergarten with 110 children already. In 2018, I took the step towards a new educational level, primary school. At the moment, we are educating more than 200 children, covering the preschool and primary education levels, and from the 2024-2025 school year we are going to add the high school cycle as well.

The coordination of the school is ensured by a Board of Directors made up of specialists in education, communication, the legal and financial fields, representatives of parents and the local community.

The growth of Pick Me Academy was one, organic, based on the consolidation and permanent adaptation of learning methods, which led to the preservation of the feeling of safety, attention given to each child and educational excellence, all of this strengthening the Pick Me Academy family.

At Pick Me Academy you will find:

  • a unique curriculum based on the best practices of traditional Romanian pedagogy with the essential principles of British education
  • an excellent student/teacher ratio
  • maximum 18 students in kindergarten classes
    each kindergarten class benefits from a teacher and an assistant educator
  • maximum 20 students in primary school classes
  • maximum 24 students in secondary school classes
    each school class has a coordinating teacher and specialized teachers

The entire Pick Me Academy team (management, teachers, educators, care staff, medical staff) in cooperation with parents, ensures that our students have the best development, based on solid educational models that are both time-tested and adapted to the future.

The high quality level of both the educational act and the attention given to the needs of the students are attested by the ARACIP and COBIS authorizations.

Accreditations - The quality of the educational act

Education and something more


Pick Me Academy Kindergarten and Primary School are authorized by the Ministry of National Education, through the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Pre-University Education (ARACIP), with ARACIP inspectors confirming the high level of Pick Me Academy’s educational act through site visits.


Council of British International Schools – COBIS is an international association, COBIS schools are found in over 80 countries, over 150,000 students being educated by over 30,000 teachers.

Pick Me Academy detine nivelul de acreditare „Member(Compliance)” din partea COBIS. Acest statut a fost reconfirmat in anul 2023 prin vizita in locatiile noastre a inspectorilor COBIS si inseamna ca asiguram, pentru copiii nostri, cele mai inalte standarde de siguranta fizica si emotionala, cele mai bune practici si proceduri de management, un mediu sigur, special gandit pentru activitatea educationala precum si un set de valori si principii educationale aliniate la standardele internationale.

Types of food
Added sugar
Types of fruits
Meals per day

Children's menu

At Pick Me Academy, children’s food is prepared in their own kitchen, according to the best recipes, designed especially for them by a nutritionist and cooked by experienced chefs under strict hygiene conditions, using only top quality ingredients. The children’s diet is balanced, adapted to their needs and age, consisting of vegetables, cereals, dairy, turkey meat, beef and fish. The dishes do not have any flavor enhancers, and the salt content is low for the entire menu. Also, children are not offered sweets, their dessert being exclusively fruit or sugar-free preparations (apple/pumpkin/cheese pie, rice pudding with milk, fruit muffins). When we celebrate birthdays, we don’t serve children cakes. The anniversary moment is marked by fruit platters, arranged in shapes as pleasant as possible for children.

Breakfast is based on dairy products, eggs, whole grains and fresh vegetables.
The morning snack is a selection of seasonal fruits.
Children’s lunch consists of a soup or a soup, followed by a main course and a salad. In the children’s menu we only use turkey meat, beef and fish, which are prepared either in the oven or steamed.
The afternoon snack gives children the necessary energy for the activities they will carry out in the open air.

  • Spread with beef telemea and peppers
  • Seasonal fruits
  • Turkey soup with homemade cuts
  • Vegetable stew
  • Beef in the pan
  • Cabbage salad
  • Sponge cake with seasonal fruits
  • Paine prajita cu unt, cascaval si masline
  • Fructe de sezon
  • Ciorba de perisoare(carne de vita
  • Piure de cartofi
  • Carne de curcan la gratar
  • Salata de sfecla rosie
  • Tartina cu telemea de vaca si ardei
  • Cereale cu lapte
  • Fructe de sezon
  • Supa crema de broccoli cu crutoane
  • Pilaf cu legume
  • Somon la cuptor
  • Salata de ardei copti
  • Paine prajita cu unt si gem
  • Bruschette cu avocado, rosii si usturoi
  • Fructe de sezon
  • Ciorba de vacuta
  • Ghiveci de legume
  • Friptura innabusita de vitel
  • Salata de cruditati
  • Orez cu lapte
  • Boiled eggs, fried bread and peppers
  • Seasonal fruits
  • Turkey soup with dumplings
  • Sautéed peas
  • Turkey meat in the oven
  • Green salad
  • Berry muffins

Medical procedures

Parents and teachers are partners in the learning process of children and in their preparation for life. At Pick Me Academy, communication with parents is permanent, oriented towards the child’s developmental needs and is carried out both traditionally and through online platforms.

The moments of handing over and picking up the child are the daily contact points where, on the one hand, the teachers share information about the activities and condition during the day, and on the other hand, the parents send us useful information at the beginning of the day

The school’s communication application

It is the communication tool both from the school/kindergarten to the family, and vice versa. Parents can find all the necessary information to keep up to date with school life:

  • Academic calendar ratings
  • Menu
  • Absent reporting
  • Medical information
  • Policies and procedures polls

Progress report

Made on the basis of observations during a semester, being loaded into the school’s communication application. The teaching staff completes a progress report twice a year, later establishing a meeting to evaluate the child’s progress between the parents and the coordinating teacher;

Social networks (Facebook/Instagram)

On our Facebook/Instagram pages, parents can find the most relevant images from the activities carried out both inside and outside the school.

Communication with parents

cu parintii (2)
cu parintii (3)

Parintii si profesorii sunt parteneri in procesul de invatare al copiilor si in pregatirea acestora pentru viata. La Pick Me Academy comunicarea cu parintii este permanenta, orientata catre nevoile de dezvoltare ale copilului si se realizeaza atat traditional cat si prin intemediul platformelor online.

Momentele de predare si de preluare a copilului sunt punctele de contact zilnice in care, pe de o parte, profesorii impartasesc informatii despre activitatile si starea din timpul zilei, iar pe de alta parte, parintii ne transmit informatii utile la inceputul zilei

Aplicatia de comunicare a scolii

Este instrumentul de comunicare atat dinspre scoala/gradinita catre familie, cat si invers. Parinti regasesc toate informatiile necesare pentru a fi la curent cu viata scolii:

  • Calendar academic
  • Evaluari
  • Meniu
  • Raportare absente
  • Informatii medicale
  • Politici si proceduri
  • Sondaje

Raportul de progres

Realizat pe baza obsevatiilor pe parcursul unui semestru, fiind incarcat in aplicatia de comunicare a scolii. Cadrele didactice completeaza un raport de progres de doua ori pe an, ulterior stabilindu-se o intalnire de evaluare a progresului copilului intre parinti si profesorul coordonator;

Retele de socializare (Facebook/Instagram)

Pe paginile noastre de Facebook/Instagram, parintii pot regasi cele mai relevante imagini din timpul activitatilor desfasurate atat in scoala cat si in afara ei.